Due to the large number of orders, your order may be delayed by 24-48 Hours. Standard deliveries in our Van area are unaffected. We have currently changed the cut off for timed deliveries to 12:00 Midday. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Charity Day

The last Wednesday in every month is now Orbital Fasteners Charity Gift Day.
2% of the total day's order value entered onto our computer system on this day every month will be donated to Prostate Cancer UK.

In addition to this 100% of the donations made during the online checkout process goes to Prostate Cancer UK

Donations raised so far in 2020

Month Donation
January £1,924
February £1,464
March £0
April £0
May £0
June £1,442
July £1,622
August £1,407
September £1,569